Miradije Ramiqi is a painter and poet based in Prishtina, Kosovo, with a vast career of five decades behind her in both of these artistic mediums of expression. 

With hundreds collective exhibitions behind her and up to 30 personal exhibitions and retrospectives both in Kosovo and abroad, Ramiqi is one of the leading contemporary women painters in Kosovo. 

Her written work has been published in different literary magazines, compilations and anthologies and has been translated in different languages such as English, French, Italian, Romanian. She’s the author of four poetry books,  “Drithërimë Ngjyrash” (1981), “Shi në Pasqyrë” (1990), “Pëshpërim Mbretërie” (2000) and,“Hirësi Prrallore” (2010). 

Apart from her work in painting and prose, Ramiqi is also founder of Plejada, a cultural initiative which was founded in the early 1990s, organizing different cultural events, painting colonies and exhibitions in Kosovo and outside of it. 

Ramiqi graduated in painting from the Academy of Arts of the University of Prishtina in 1978 followed by her post graduate degree in 1997 at the same faculty, where she worked as a lecturer until her retirement.

Rrugëtimi Fatal, 1997, vepra nr III
